Wellness isn't just making sure you're eating healthy and working out, there's actually a lot more involved in your wellness makeup. Wellness also includes emotions, stress levels, social interactions, spiritual connections, environmental situations, accomplishments in the workforce, and intellectual abilities that make up you!
The Paths of Wellness
Physical: This type of wellness refers to the physical body. It involves activity, nutrition, health care, and personal hygiene. Ways to maintain physical wellness would be to exercise, monitor your eating habits, drink water, taking care of your hygiene such as brushing your teeth, daily cleansing, brushing your hair, and spa days (now that's what I am talking about!)
Emotional: Being "emotionally well" is harder then it looks! Emotional wellness is the process of controlling your emotions, therefore, coping with stress, expressing feelings, and being in charge of your thoughts and actions. Life's uncontrollable frustrations and depressions can sometimes make us feel emotionally unstable, which is why this wellness is one of the most important to cleanse.
Social: Social wellness is one of the greatest and worst paths at the same time because it's dealing with the people around us. This style of wellness is incorporating the relationships between friends, family, coworkers, acquaintances, and the community from developing those connections and support for the good and the bad.
Intellectual:This wellness path involves the education and learning experiences we encounter in our lives. In order to keep our brain (which is a muscle) strong we need to practice with education, reading, puzzles, and activities that promote learning.
Occupational:I bet you didn't know that the work environment is a part of your wellness makeup because guess what, it is! Keeping healthy relationships with coworkers, feeling successful in your career, and enjoying where you work and what you do for a living promotes this wellness path dramatically!
Environmental: Your health is influenced by everything around you including the natural and human built apparatuses. The air, land, water, buildings, pollution, and atmosphere are all impacting your health.
Spiritual:Your beliefs, principals, and values are all components of your spiritual wellness or your guiding purpose in life. As human beings we are designed for purposes and our spiritual wellness is there to make sure you are on a path to your particular purpose.
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